Beaten To Death (NO)


Todays announcement is not for the faint-hearted, neither is it for the daunted:

Driven by harshness, aggression and growls gnarlier than death itself, Beaten to Death is coming to pummel our senses, with their ultra-chaotic, all-encompassing style of grindcore. The skill is unreal.

Beaten to Death is a band you need to see to get. We can’t guarantee you will get it, but we can guarantee you will not regret it. It’s like the freak show of metal music.

In the blink of an eye Beaten to Death touches base with more sub-genres than you can even mention, making it almost impossible to keep track of what the F?! actually happened?

What an intense experience it will be see this bunch of maniacs let their energy flow freely in our Church of Riffs.

Please welcome Beaten To Death to Høstsabbat 2023