It´s Monday, and the only right thing to do, is to kick the week off with what could possibly be the biggest wake-up call of this years lineup.

Reaping Flesh is cut directly from the northern punk & hardcore tribe, and includes members from legendary Kollwitz, The Spectacle and Gabriel, giving us a fair idea of how this rather new band would sound like.

The sonic devastation of Reaping Flesh is the raw, in-your-face kind of metal found at the back of your memory, being the key figure to why you still go to shows and start moshpits out of instant buzz and excitement! It triggers all the buttons.

It´s a rare and fantastic thing, to be able to present a band as a mixture between black, death, thrash, punk and hardcore, knowing it is actually true. 

That mixture is Reaping Flesh - and they will come to destroy!

Please welcome Reaping Flesh to Høstsabbat 2023!