The sun shines beautifully on this very Friday, and so does our next announcement.

In massive contrast to the industrial, hard-hitting heaviness of last weeks announcement, Danish duo John Cxnnor, who by the way crushed the main stage at Roadburn yesterday, todays addition brings a different kind of depth and light to our anniversary lineup.

Villagers of Ioannina City has swept over the underground like a mild, mediterranean breeze.

The brilliant use of bagpipes, kaval and clarinets highlights their bombastic, yet meditative sound in a warm and folky manner, pawing way for heavy, psychedelic fuzz outbursts coming straight from the Greek mountains.

Their explosive live appearances at numerous festivals over the last years have had them on everyone's lips, and it's with massive pride we can announce their first ever visit to Norway.

Please welcome Villagers of Ioannina City to Høstsabbat 2023